东南财经大学的教职员工对学生出国留学的兴趣起着至关重要的作用, 以及他们在国外的成功. 出国留学是一项艰苦的工作, 教职员工可以激励学生培养跨文化意识, 学习一门外语, 提高求知欲, 并在校外取得学术进步. Faculty also have the unique opportunity to encourage students to maximize their time abroad, advising them on how a semester or year abroad might complement their academic goals in Austin.

The Study Abroad Office values faculty and staff involvement and encourages members of our campus community, 来自各个学科和办公室, 成为留学盟友.


作为每学期提供的经批准的出国留学项目的补充, 东南大学的教师有各种各样的全球教学机会:

  • 暑期教师主导课程-现已开始!
  • Summer co-teaching opportunities with an SEU partner exchange university abroad - starting summer 2023
  • 嵌入式程序——即将在2024学年重新引入
  • COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) opportunities with colleagues and universities abroad - being introduced soon starting in the 2024 academic year


Summer faculty-led study abroad programs are a wonderful opportunity for faculty to take a group of students abroad for 3-4 weeks.  强烈鼓励教师提出方案,并提供完整的指导 建议和计划的发展过程和时间表可在这里.

2024年夏季将会有一个征召 & 2025年提案将于11月提交, 同时也为全体教员开了一个介绍会, 提案截止日期为2月1日, 2023, 下一个夏天(未来15个月).

http://stedwards.app.box.com/file/1083994534333?s = 498 a05i2ut5dri4dqqtu…


在提供课程中了解更多信息 嵌入式行程组件.


富布赖特奖学金为教师提供了绝佳的演讲机会, 与国外同事进行研究和合作. 通过下面的链接了解更多关于这个机会的信息,并联系 Joe Vitone 有问题或想了解更多信息:



All faculty and staff who are traveling internationally on behalf of the University are asked to register their travel information through the Terra Dotta system via the link below.


Study Abroad FAQ’s


确定学生可以在国外完成哪些课程是重要的第一步.  The study abroad staff are not academic advisers so faculty and success coaches are the best people to assist students with this.

You do not need to know anything about the study abroad programs to help students with this first step.

Working with students to identify SEU courses that they could potentially fulfill abroad (gen ed and major/minor requirements) will assist the study abroad office in identifying programs or university exchange partners that would be a good fit for the student.



第一次和新同学见面的时候, 询问他们是否对出国留学感兴趣是很有帮助的. 

They should review the Getting Started page on the Study Abroad website which will walk them through the steps and give them an idea of the timeline.  There is also a link on the website to make an appointment with a study abroad adviser.


It can sometimes be a challenge to find equivalent courses abroad so it is recommended that students save some electives for their junior or senior years since they can provide more flexibility. 

如果学生需要选修一门现代语言, 出国留学是完成通识教育要求的一个很好的选择.

除了现代语言要求, courses that satisfy the Global Perspectives and Exploring Artistic Works are also good options to take abroad. 



All students must get their courses abroad approved before the start of their program, 最好是出国留学前一个学期.

我们鼓励学生选修6-8门课程, 如果有些课程根本不提供或有时间表冲突.

View the 留学课程批准表.

Do students studying abroad have to register for courses during the on campus registration period?

Students studying abroad the following semester should still meet with their academic adviser to review the courses they plan to take abroad and to get their registration PIN but they do not have to register for courses during the standard registration period on campus.

本学期晚些时候, study abroad students will register for two courses and the Study Abroad Office will send them the CRN numbers.

  • One of the courses is just a marker course which acts as a place holder and indicates how many credits they will be attempting abroad.  这不是为了学分,不会出现在他们的成绩单上.
  • The second course is SABR 2150 which is an online study abroad course for 1 credit that students complete while abroad


There is a comprehensive list of external scholarships on the study abroad website, under Finances.

It is important to note that that federal and institutional aid that students receive for the academic year does not apply to summer study abroad. There may be some individual exceptions to this but students are strongly encouraged to meet with their SFS adviser to discuss in more detail.  


All credit for courses taken from a partner university or approved program provider are considered transfer credit and are graded as pass/fail.


Foreign transcripts can take 3-4 months to be sent to SEU after the conclusion of the program.  Seniors studying abroad their last semester should  apply for graduation in the following semester since their transcripts will not be received in time to graduate at the end of their study abroad semester.


所有学生在国外期间都享有全面的医疗保险, 要么通过他们的计划,要么通过与安盛的SEU政策.  详情请联系留学办公室.


留学办公室能做什么 & 不能给学生建议


The Study Abroad Office staff work closely with students to help them decide if and when study abroad may be a good option for them.  

While the study abroad office personnel can  advise students on which destinations and programs may be good options for different majors and minors, they cannot advise students about specific courses or tell them if courses will count for credit. 


Finances Abroad

After courses and credits, the most popular question students have is about financial aid.  留学网站为学生提供了每个项目的预算表, faculty and staff can see the billable and non-billable costs as well as estimated personal expenses for each university or program. 

The study abroad website has a Finances page which contains a list of external scholarships that students are eligible to apply for.

However, the study abroad office does not have access to student financial information and therefore cannot give students any information about how their SEU financial aid and scholarships will apply to their study abroad program.
